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Detective Bureau

Two white men look at a computer screen.

The mission of the detective bureau of the Hudson Police Department is to investigate major or more complex crimes such as sexual assaults, death investigations, identity theft, fraud, larcenies and firearms violations, to name a few. The detective bureau supplements the patrol force and assists with investigations where, due to jurisdictional issues, time constraints and other factors, prohibit the patrol force from being able to bring the incidents closure. The bureau works closely with the District Attorney’s Office, state, local and federal agencies to assist with investigating cases from start to finish.

The Detective Bureau is commanded by a Captain and currently consists of 3 detectives and a detective sergeant who investigate all major crimes that require investigation beyond the patrol function, including (but not limited to) homicide, sexual assault, robbery, burglary, arson, breaking and entering, larceny, identity and other forms of fraud, juvenile crimes, assault and battery, and drug trafficking/distribution. Detectives are tasked with following leads/evidence developed during the preliminary stage of an investigation through to the successful completion of the incident. Detectives must also work with the District Attorney’s Office post-arraignment on criminal matters to ensure fair prosecution.

The Detectives receive specialized training in:

  • Fingerprint and Footwear Processing
  • Biological Evidence
  • Death Scene Investigation
  • Writing Search Warrants
  • Eyewitness Identification
  • Photography
  • Sexual Assault Investigation
  • Interview & Interrogation Methods
  • Drug Recognition/Interdiction
  • Evidence Collection
  • Crime Scene Preservation

The Criminal Division’s goal is to provide the best possible investigative service to our community.

Four white men stand around talking in the Hudson Police headquarters.

Also assigned to the detective bureau is the Department’s court prosecutor. The Hudson Police Department Prosecutor is required to appear in Court daily to submit criminal applications, arrest reports, and criminal motor vehicle citations. The Police Prosecutor signs all criminal complaints under oath before a Clerk Magistrate.
The Prosecutor is also responsible for conducting show-cause hearings, which are held to determine whether probable cause exists to proceed to an arraignment, and motor vehicle citation hearings. The Prosecutor participates in Recovery Court, Veterans Court and juvenile hearings at the Juvenile Court, where the Clerk Magistrate has more discretion in the disposition of cases, such as placing a juvenile on a form of pre-trial probation with stipulations regarding future behavior. The Prosecutor works with the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office in preparing criminal cases and amending criminal complaints based on new and pertinent information.

To Contact

Members of the public who possess information about a crime or drug activity, are encouraged to contact the Police Department at (978) 562-7122. Those who wish to remain anonymous may call the Anonymous Tip Hotline at (978) 562-7122 ext. 215 or fill out the online form.

The DB Supervisor is Det. Sgt. Robert Merrill. He can be reached via email at, or (978) 562-7122, ext. 216.